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recent installations

These are photographs taken as we leave an installation ... many of the fire surrounds are still wet and the rooms not decorated.

Ashford with Random Stone Back

Ashford with Random Stone Back

Bespoke Portland Limestone Fire Surround

Birchover Fire Surround

Birchover Fire Surround with Brick Back

Corbelled Fire Surround in Portland Limestone

Dovedale Fire Surround

Dovedale Fire Surround with Ashlar

Bespoke Fire Surround with Old Bricks

Bespoke Fire Surround in Ancaster Limestone

Textured Birchover Fire Surround

Bespoke Fire Surround with Herringbone Brick

Bespoke Fire Surround

Ashford Fire Surround with Painted Fireboard

Bespoke Fire Surround in Bath Stone

Birchover Fire Surround

Ashford Fire Surround

Ashford Fire Surround with Old Flagged Hearth

Ashford Fire Surround with Old Textured Finish

Fletcher Bank Gritstone

Ashford in Gritstone with Fireboard

Bespoke Aga Canopy in Portland Limestone

Double Sided Fire Surround with Raised Hearth

Double Chamfered Ashford

Double Sided Fire Surround

Double Sided Distressed Fire Surround

Dovedale in Ancaster Limestone

Bespoke Fire Surround in Bath Stone

Bespoke Fire Surround in Sandstone

Bespoke Fire Surround in Sandstone

Double Chamfered Ashford with Fireboard

Hartington in Sandstone with Granite Hearth

Hartington with Granite Slips

Small Ashford in Sandstone

Punched Surround and Raised Hearth

Ashford in Portland Limestone

Ago Shelf with Bar

Portland Northrop Fire Surround

Northrop in Ancaster Limestone

Simple Surround with Tooled Finish

Rutland with Granite Hearth

Dovedale in Ancaster

French Style Surround

French Style Surround

Ancaster Fire Surround with Carving

Bespoke Surround with Brick Back

French Style with Inset Gas Fire

Curbed Hearth

Curbed Hearth

Curbed Hearth and Slips

Canopy Surround in Bath Stone

Corbeled Mantle

French Style in Portland

Simple Surround

Lathkill Fire Surround

Heavy Mould Surround

Mould Detail

Corner Fire Surround

Curbed Hearth and Surround in Bath

Bespoke Fire Surround with Heavy Mantle

Ancaster Fire Surround and Brick Back

Northrop in Sandstone

Bespoke Fire Surround in Bath Stone

Square Sandstone Surround

Rutland Fire Surround

Surround with Slips and Ashlar

Portrait Fire Surround in Ancaster

Hartington with Insert

Hartington with Cast Insert

Head and Hearth

Head and Hearth with Limestone Back

Head and Hearth

Northrop with Extended Hearth

Kensington in Ancaster

Hartington with Flagged Hearth

Hartington with Ashlar Back

Simple Portrait Surround with Brick Back

Hartington with Grate

Simple Surround with Bead

Simple Surround

Fawnsdale Fire Surround

Raised Hearth

Gas Pebble Inset

Northrop in Portland Limestone

Edale with Mitred Hearth

Fawnsdale in Sandstone

Simple Surround with Ashlar

Dovedale with Mitred Hearth

Dovedale with Ashlar

Edale with Flagged Hearth

Dovedale with Square Hearth

Dovedale with Old Brick Back

Dovedale with Hearth in 3 Pieces

Dovedale in Sandstone

Bolection without Mantle

Dovedale with Herringbone Back

Bolection with Granite Hearth and Slips

Bollection with Granite Hearth and Ashlar

Birchover with Brick Back

Birchover with Flagged Hearth

Birchover in Bath Stone

Birchover with Limestone Back

Birchover with Tooled Finish

Ashford with Ashlar

Ashford with Inset Gas Fire

Ashford, Granite Hearth and Curb

Ashford with Inset Grate

Ashford with Painted Fireboard

Fire Surround with Plinths

Ashford in Sandstone

Ashford with Limestone Back

Ashford in Portland with Granite Hearth

Ashford with Canopy Stove

Double Chamfered Ashford

Edale in Sandstone

Fire Surround with Chamfere

Simple Surround

Edale with Brick Back

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